Creating captivating Content
Content Creation, Strategic Branding

Captivating Content Creation: A Strategic Guide in 8 Steps For Small Business Owners 

Hello fellow small business owner! Navigating the world of content creation can feel like a whirlwind. With so many platforms and so much advice out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But fear not! Let’s break it down together and craft a strategy that feels authentic, engaging, and, most importantly, doable. 🌟 1. Know Your Audience Before diving into the content pool, let’s take a moment to think about who we’re talking to. Your audience is your guide. Who are they? What do they love? What are their pain points? How will they feel about your content? Why will they care about your content? Do you want to make them laugh or think?  2. Define Your Brand Voice Your brand voice is your unique way of communicating with your audience. It’s what sets you apart and makes you memorable. If you are just starting out with your new business, you may find this workflow to be a helpful guide in establishing more than just your voice in the beginning of content creation.  3. Set Clear Goals What do you want to achieve with your content? Setting clear, measurable goals helps you stay focused and track your progress. 4. Create a Content Calendar A well-planned content calendar is your best friend. It helps you stay organized and ensures a steady stream of content. 5. Tell Your Story People connect with stories. Share your journey, your successes, and your challenges. This makes your brand relatable and human. Many small businesses have difficulty identifying and telling their story. This is done in the initial brand identity/formation phase, but can be skipped if budget or resources were lacking in the start-up phase. We thrive on doing this exact thing and would love to help you identify your brand. It’s never too late to do this kind of strategic work. Read more about our brand identity work here.  6. Leverage Visual Content We live in a visual world. Beautiful, eye-catching visuals can make your content stand out and grab attention. Don’t want to pick up a Canva account? Or perhaps you did but it’s been left dusting in the corner of your computer since last spring… that’s ok. We can help with this one, too. We offer customized graphic design services for sharing on social media, newsletters, blogs, and more that need your unique brand identity while also being eye-catching and impactful.  Our Fix & Form subscription services would best work to get you ongoing visual content to be used across many marketing campaigns and initiatives.  7. Engage, Don’t Just Broadcast Content creation isn’t a one-way street. It’s about building a community and fostering engagement. Remember to turn on notifications for your social media platforms, and engage and reply to comments and questions on posts after you’ve left your mark. Your audience loves to hear from you!  8. Stay Updated and Adaptable The digital world is always evolving. Stay on top of trends and be ready to adapt your strategy. A helpful tip from us to you, after a consistent three (3) months of content creation and sharing on your social media platforms, take a deep dive into the results and make changes to the content you’re sharing.  You could try posting on different days and times, and finally, adjust your content calendar. Think through what isn’t working and what needs to continue. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Experiment with different content types and formats, and learn from what works and what doesn’t. Don’t Be Afraid To Just…. Start! Remember, smarties, content creation is a journey. It’s about building relationships, sharing your perspectives and lessons learned, and connecting with your audience in a meaningful way. Embrace the process, stay true to your brand, and watch your business evolve. We are always here to help you along the way. Meet more of our team at Fix & Form | Strategic Branding Agency in Denver, Colorado, serving clients nationwide. Happy creating!  Anne GillaspieOwner & Master StrategistFix & Form | Strategic Branding AgencyDenver, CO | 303-204-6870