Fix & Form

Our Process

Here’s what it looks like to work with us… 

You drive the goals and allow us to help you reach them by, putting it frankly, getting sh*t done.


Step 1: Initial Conversation

Let’s chat to identify your needs, goals, and dreams. We’ll identify problems to solve, missing feedback you're seeking, and which of our solutions or subscriptions will align best with your next steps in achieving the brand you are striving to bring to life.


Step 2: Planning Our Work

Once we’ve identified your goals, we’ll schedule the sessions, decide on the best working locations and methods, and start getting sh*t done. Each project kicks off with a strategic session designed to maximize potential outcomes and set the stage for success.


Step 3: Our Working Process

Our collaboration might feel a bit like “talk therapy” for your brand—we’re all about open communication and teamwork. Our work together could span several months, depending on the chosen solution or subscription. We start by laying a solid foundation, whether that means revitalizing an existing brand or creating a new one from scratch. From there, we move into visual design and round out with the development of marketing tools that bring your brand to life.


Step 4: Review & Wrap Up

As our project wraps up, we bring everything together in the Fix & Form Brand Guidebook. This custom guide is a comprehensive overview of your new brand's identity and foundation. We’ll walk you through each element of your brand’s visual style, including all the collateral and assets we’ve created together. This is your full package—the complete setup to launch your refreshed or brand-new identity into the world.

Let’s start the conversation

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