One of the hardest challenges businesses face in an increasingly deceiving culture is transparency. What is transparency? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, transparency in business is “characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices.” Additionally, as marketers know all to well, deception has hit its limit. The younger generations demand ethical practices in businesses and transparent relationships. At Fix & Form, transparency is at the forefront of our business model and “The Truth Behind Transparency” will dive deeper into how transparency can transform your career and life.
Why Transparency Matters
Think of the last time you bought a product or service and were utterly disappointed in what you received. Was it a consumer error or a company error? Did you feel like you were deceived? How did that change your view of the company?
- Gold Standard: In an oversaturated world, standing out has become harder and harder. But, what do the companies with great success all have in common? They set the Gold Standard. Consider Stubhub, a ticket transfer business who committed to changing the normal and transform to complete transparency where they ultimately set the Gold Standard for being completely upfront and honest with customers no matter the cost. The ultimate goal is to satisfy the customer, but no product or service will ever satisfy the customer if they feel any level of deception.
- Client Relationships: At Fix & Form, clients are more than just people who pay us to do a service. We are focused on building customer trust by creating a real relationship, taking the time to share about our personal lives in a work culture, share company updates, and build a long-term over transactional relationship. In some instances, clients have become friends. Those are the relationships that create a chain reaction, not only bringing in more business, but further foster the importance of our “why”.
Tangible Transparency
Transparency is often thought of as an abstract idea. But what if we told you it can be tangible? At Fix & Form, we have discovered the simplest ways to incorporate tangible transparency into our business model.
- Transparent Business Cards: At Fix & Form, we want our clients to know we value transparency from the start. Our tactic? Transparent business cards. Our founder, Anne, has created a brand where transparency is the breath of the business. Not only is this a unique way to present your business, but it gives clients a direct visual of brand authenticity, proving the type of service they will be receiving.
- The Open-Door Policy: Another way to be tangibly transparent is incorporating an open line of communication. While this could mean having the door literally open in your office for coworkers to come through at any point, it can also mean providing physical feedback forms and evaluations. Having positive body language, and open atmosphere allows for an honest and comfortable atmosphere. Check out this link to learn more about our values and why transparency is number one.
More Than a Marketing Tactic
While tangible transparency in business is important, and can most certainly be a way of marketing, it is not the whole picture. Having true transparency in your business means not only just setting a standard, but making it a core value.
- Real Stories: Everyone stretches the truth every once and again, exaggerates a story, or only tells part of the whole. However, current marketing trends have made this more than just occasional; it is the new normal. It is now more important than ever to ditch the stories that appear to gain short-term traction and stick to the genuine ones that offer long-term success. People want brand authenticity, to hear real stories, testimonies, anything that makes them feel a unique connection. The next time you catch yourself adding a little extra embellishment or a touch of trendiness, consider a more authentic approach.
- Consistency Builds Credibility: Transparency in business is not only more than a marketing tactic, its more than just a one time thing. Consumers might not catch an exaggeration the first time, but they definitely will after multiple times. Conversely, they will also catch onto inconsistency in being transparent one day and cutting corners the next. Therefore, the only way to obtain true transparency in business, is to be transparent 100% of the time. The cliche phrase “consistency is key” truly is key.
Transparency in Your Everyday
Just like transparency is more than a marketing tactic, it is more than suggestion for business. Transparency is a way of living, both through business and your personal life. When transparency becomes a habit, everything else in your life follows, shaping how you communicate, the relationships you create and the success you experience.
- Lead by example: They say to practice what you preach and that could not be more true than with transparency. How can you have a transparent business if you yourself are not living a transparent life? This does not mean you have to spill your heart out to strangers. It means you show vulnerability when needed, own up to mistakes, and be honest in everything you do.
- Be yourself: As obvious as it might seem, nothing shows transparency more than being you. Yet, we catch ourselves consistently putting on a face to appear “better.” But, what could better than someone who is unapologetically themself? Wherthing in the workplace or your personal life, do not be afraid to let your true self shine because authenticity will attract the right audience.
- Have intentionality in everything: As Thrive Global illustrated, “One of the most essential and misused gifts we have been given is time. We can attribute most of our successes and failures to how well we spend our time.” Time feels like an abstract idea, but what we tend to take advantage of the tangible implications it has. Anything that you do not set your mind to or leave to chance will no succeed in the long run. This makes being intentional with your time, your words, and how you present yourself are meaningful and always align with your values.
Where does the Responsibility Lie?
With transparency in business initiatives on the rise, so are the concerns about where the responsibility of deception really lies. Where is the boundary crossed for fine print in a contract? Is it not the consumers responsibility to read through everything before they sign? Or is the company at fault to implementing a tactic they know works?
- Ethical Dilemma: Transparency in business heavily aligns with ethics. What is right? What is wrong? As discussed earlier, you will face challenges of transparency in your everyday life, both personally and professionally. When faces with an ethical dilemma a few key tactics will help you decide your dilemma. Circling back to the contract example, just because a deceptive tactic is legal, does not mean it is ethical. As a business professional, remind yourself that trust and transparency are built when companies prioritize integrity over short-term gains.
- Clarity vs. Confusion: While it is a consumers responsibility to be knowledgeable about what they are signing up for, it is even more important for businesses to provide a clear avenue for consumers to access that knowledge. As previously mentioned, transparency is “the visibility and accessibility of information.” If you want to build customer trust, give customers a reason to trust you.
Transparency Takes Time
Achieving true transparency takes time. Building trust takes time. However, by committing to a consistent standard and being intentional with every action, transparency will follow.
- Go the extra mile: At Fix and Form, we take the time to ensure projects are done right. We walk through projects in detail over and over to ensure the timeline and goals match the client. We openly share pricing details, updates, guidelines and expectations. If something falls short of expectation, we go the extra mile to fix and protect that relationship.
- Have an open mind: While having goals and expectations is key, being flexible is what will give you the last boost to ultimate transparency. Be open to hearing criticism, reworking a project to fit the clients’ needs, and assertive in asking for advice in where to improve. Committing to honesty and openness will take your brand to the next level and create long-term value.
In a world where transparency is becoming a non-negotiable expectation, businesses that prioritize honesty, authenticity, and ethical practices are the ones that stand out and succeed. At Fix & Form, transparency in business isn’t just a marketing tactic; it’s the heart of our approach to branding and client relationships.
The journey to true transparency takes time and consistency, but the rewards are well worth the effort. If you’re ready to transform your business and brand through transparency, let’s connect and explore how Fix & Form can help you lead the way.